50 years of working with and for the community

Celebrating the council's 50th year anniversary
1st April 1974 - 31st March 2024

September 22nd, 2016


A brand new children’s play area is to be installed next year in Felinfoel by Llanelli Rural Council. A community consultation event is to be held at Ysgol Y Felin at 3pm on Thursday October 6th to garner the views of the local residents, school children and their parents on the equipment they would like to be provided at the play area. Attendees will have an opportunity to speak to play companies about the different play equipment they have on offer and express their views on what is needed.

This will be the first of two public consultations in order to provide a play area that has been decided on by the local community. The follow up consultation will take place once the designs have been returned by the play companies.

Council Leader, Cllr. Carol Rees said “the Rural Council is delighted to announce a new play area for Felinfoel. The play area will be located on land adjacent to the recreation ground which will be leased from Carmarthenshire County Council”.


For further information, please contact:
Mr Darren Rees
Community Development Officer
Llanelli Rural Council
01554 774103

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