Llanelli Rural Council has secured a major grant in support of its plans to transform Llwynhendy Branch Library into a multipurpose community hub.
The council has been awarded £250,000 from Welsh Government’s Assets Collaboration Wales Phase 3 Grant Programme. The grant award means the renovation work planned for the library can now commence immediately. Environmental and landscaping works to the adjoining Gwili Fields forming part of the same project has already commenced thanks to another grant awarded to the Rural Council from UK Government’s Shared Prosperity Fund along with match funding support from Our Llwynhendy.
Receipt of the Welsh Government grant has led the council to act swiftly in selecting the approved tender bid for the building work, with the contract being awarded to Martin Taffestsauffer Building and Civil Engineering Contractors Ltd.
Subject to the completion of pre-contractual arrangements being co-ordinated by the Council’s consultant architect W. Griffiths Architects, the building firm hopes to start work on site in mid November 2024. Emroch Landscapes has been appointed by the council to perform the environmental and landscaping works which includes the installation of a new play area, pathways and amphitheatre. Subject to favourable weather conditions external works to the Gwili Fields will be completed by the end of the year, with works to the library building being completed by the spring of 2025.
Council Leader, Cllr S. N. Lewis stated “the awarding of the Welsh Government grant is marvellous news for the people of Llwynhendy. The renovation works to transform the library into a vibrant community asset can now finally begin. The grant will fund the construction of a brand new front entrance foyer, additional storage and public toilets, giving the building a modern look and feel about it while making it more visually appealing and attractive to look at”.
“The grant award will be used in conjunction with the £200,000 match funding that the council has earmarked for the scheme, alongside additional match funding from our project partners Carmarthenshire County Council and Our Llwynhendy. The project would not have happened had it not been for their invaluable patience and support and so a great deal of appreciation and thanks goes to them”.
Carmarthenshire County Council is asset transferring the library building to the Rural Council on a 99 year lease for a peppercorn rent and is also providing £30,000 to put towards capital works.
Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Leisure, Culture and Tourism – Cllr Hazel Evans said: “Communities are empowered when they have ownership and management over local assets and we are, therefore, pleased to work with Llanelli Rural Council to asset transfer the Llwynhendy Branch Library building to them and secure the future of the building.”
Our Llwynhendy has pledged £350,000 in support of the scheme. Some of this funding has already been spent. Our Llwynhendy met the cost of the original feasibility study produced in 2020 to the value of £15,000 and has also pledged £100,000 to put towards the environmental and landscaping works at Gwili Fields.
Chairperson of Our Llwynhendy, Natasha Horne, commented “the group wanted to create a lasting legacy with its ten year funding programme and we are delighted to be working in partnership with both the Rural Council and Carmarthenshire County Council to help translate the community’s aspirations into a reality. This is an exciting development for our village. This project is not just about creating a new play area and renovating the library, it’s about bringing people together by creating facilities that everyone can enjoy and use. The project will deliver a lasting legacy for future generations by making our community greener, more attractive and sustainable with the community hub serving as the centre piece of our plans”.
With construction work soon to get underway, the Rural Council can now turn its attention to applying for further grants to put towards the employment of a Building and Marketing Manager whose job will be to promote and manage the community hub on a day to day basis when it opens.
Rural Council Chairman, Cllr Martin Davies stated “this now represents a busy time for the council to ensure all elements of the project are completed in time but as a council we are determined to succeed in delivering something special for Llwynhendy residents. I’m certain the project will have a profound impact on improving general well-being. It is particularly pleasing the project is creating a full time employment opportunity to help manage the hub going forward and possibly some of the council’s other community buildings too. To my mind this is a vital component in safeguarding the project’s general sustainability and its overall success”.
The project has been the subject of extensive community consultation since its conception just over four years ago.
Cllr Deryk Cundy, Chairman of the Rural Council’s Recreation and Welfare Committee commented “it’s taken some time to make a start on this project but I’m sure the wait will have been worth it when it is completed in the spring of 2025. This is a major step forward for Llwynhendy which will strengthen the community by bringing people together. The council has worked hard to make this happen with its project partners and community stakeholders. It is a great example of what we can achieve when we work together to improve the quality of life of all our residents”.
For further information, please contact Community Development Officer, Darren Rees on 01554 774103; email: [email protected]
Notes to Editor:
In 2019 Llanelli Rural Council set up a steering group to look at the community asset transfer of the library building. This group comprised Rural Council staff and County Council officers from leisure services, libraries, housing services, corporate property and economic development. Also at the table was the Invest Local group ‘Our Llwynhendy’ and local councillors, Cllr S. L. Davies, Cllr J. P. Hart, Cllr S. K. Nurse and more recently Cllr A. G. Stephens. The steering group agreed that a feasibility study was required to evaluate the development of a community hub at Llwynhendy library and surrounding fields.
The vision and ambition of Llanelli Rural Council and its project partners, Carmarthenshire County Council and Our Llwynhendy is to create a multipurpose community hub at Llwynhendy Library, which is viewed as an important community asset, located at Heol Elfed, Llwynhendy, Llanelli. Llanelli Rural Council will take on the building on a 99 year lease agreement in return for a peppercorn rent on the basis that the building benefits the community.
The current use of the building is to solely provide a county council branch library service. It is the only public facility in Llwynhendy located in the centre of the village. It was opened in 1983. Its appearance is not appealing nor inviting. Anti-social behaviour has left its mark on the building; ground level windows are boarded over. There is a lack of signage and the entrance has a set of barred iron gates which gives a terrible impression to the public. Many residents, especially new residents, are not sure what purpose the building serves.
The branch library is viewed as an important service to the community. It is used by local schools and community groups. It is important to its regular users who enjoy the library service. The hub project intends to link the building to its surroundings. The location of the building is central and a safe distance from the busy main road. Backing on to the library building is an open field which has a pathway cutting through which links up safe walking routes in the community.
The hub will offer a meeting space for community groups, an IT suite, library facilities and social housing services. The venue will have capacity to host community events, children’s parties and similar gatherings. It will provide a community café serving light refreshments. The hub will be Llanelli Rural Council’s responsibility to manage and run with the project also creating a full time job opportunity for a Buildings and Marketing Manager, employed by the council. This person will be based at the hub and responsible for the day-to-day management of the hub’s activities as well as potentially some of the council’s other community assets.
The new building will include:
Entrance foyer; kitchen; public toilets; meeting rooms for hire; new library space and IT suite; open multi-purpose area for hire; café area; outdoor terrace overlooking the new children’s play area at Gwili Fields.
A mobile library service will be operating in the area during certain days of the week, while the branch library remains closed during the renovation works. The mobile library will visit the Llwynhendy community the week commencing the 14 November and will operate over a rolling three week schedule until building works are complete. Week 1 – Thursday 10am-1pm, Week 2 – Monday 2pm-5pm and Week 3 – Saturday 2pm-4pm.
A photo opportunity involving representatives of the project partners and contractors will be held once the main contractor has taken vacant possession of the site. This will take place at 1:00pm on Tuesday the 19 November 2024. Photographers/reporters are welcome to attend.