Address / Cyfeiriad
Llanelli Rural Council, Vauxhall Buildings, Vauxhall, Llanelli. SA15 3BD
Political Party / Plaid Wleidyddol
Electoral Ward / Ward Etholiadol
DafenElected to Llanelli Rural Council on 03-05-2012
Committees / Pwyllgorau
Planning and LiaisonRecreation and Welfare
Outside Bodies / Cyrff Allanol
Llanelli and District Civic SocietyLlanelli and District Shop Mobility
Llanelli and District Talking Newspaper Association
Llanelli Joint Burial Authority
St. Mary’s Catholic Church School Governing Body
Ty Bryngwyn Hospice Fundraising Committee
Biographical Details / Manylion Bywgraffyddol
Vice Chairman Recreation and Welfare Committee