Address / Cyfeiriad
Llanelli Rural Council, Vauxhall Buildings, Vauxhall, Llanelli. SA15 3BD
Political Party / Plaid Wleidyddol
Electoral Ward / Ward Etholiadol
DafenElected to Llanelli Rural Council on 10-06-2004
Committees / Pwyllgorau
Civic and CeremonialFinance and General Purposes
Learning and Development Consultative
Planning and Liaison
Policy and Resources
Recreation and Welfare
Outside Bodies / Cyrff Allanol
Halfway School Governing BodyLlanelli and District Talking Newspaper Association
Llanelli Joint Burial Advisory Committee
Biographical Details / Manylion Bywgraffyddol
Leader of Llanelli Rural Council from 2022
Chairman of Llanelli Rural Council 2011/12