50 years of working with and for the community

Celebrating the council's 50th year anniversary
1st April 1974 - 31st March 2024


The Council consists of 21 elected members representing seven wards and meets on the second Tuesday at 6.00 pm each month except for August.

Standing committees also meet 4.45 pm on a monthly basis except for August as follows:

Finance and General Purposes Committee: last Wednesday of the month
Planning and Liaison Committee: every third Monday
Policy and Resources Committee: third Wednesday of the month
Recreation and Welfare Committee: third Tuesday of the month

Chairman: Councillor: Martin V. Davies

Leader of the Council: Councillor Susan N. Lewis

Clerk to the Council: Mark Galbraith ACIS

The Council is committed to encouraging community development as well as acting as a local voice for the communities it represents.

The Council’s precept for 2024/2025 is £1,174,180; equivalent to £137.30 per band D property. Since the Council’s inception, it has built and maintained nine community halls. It maintains seven parks where rugby, soccer, bowls and cricket are regularly played and also maintains thirteen children’s play areas. It grant aids voluntary and charitable organisations. Through its Training Department the Council provides work based learning training and job opportunities.

The Council has been presented with a Fit for Work award for being positive about disabled people. Support has also been declared for Health Challenge Wales to improve levels of health.

The Council is officially recognised as an Investor in People organisation.

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